The Annual Friends of Brown Library Book Sale took place over the weekend of January 20 - 22nd, 2012 at the Civic Center in Washington NC. We would like to THANK the many volunteers who came out to help make this event an enormous success. Many of our volunteers spent the better part of the week with us lifting boxes, unpacking and organizing books; alphabetically, by genre, by title!
Raul & Team Transported The Books |
The books are donated by the community throughout the year. Our Friends help to organize the books before they are put in storage until the book sale. Raul and his team transported the books from the storage unit to the Civic Center in several truck loads.
Volunteers Worked Tirelessly Over TWO Days |
Our volunteers began at 8:30 AM Tuesday moving boxes and beginning to sort and unpack books.
Volunteer & Friend of The Brown Library, Sue Fish. |
By Wednesday at 5pm the room was pretty much complete! As you can see below this was no small feat.
Amazing isn't it? 20 Thousand books set up in TWO days. |
Taaa Daaa! Ready To Open the Sale To The Public |
On Thursday night the doors were open for a couple of hours to allow the Friends of The Brown Library MEMBERS to shop pre-sale ... this is an amazing perk of membership!
Nancy Nash, our book sale founder, is all set to greet & check out buyers. |
We could NOT offer this book sale without our volunteers. The Friends of the Brown Library are so appreciative of the support of our community and the enthusiasm and hard work of the volunteers. This weekend is the ultimate proof in a belief in the good of our Library and its programs.
THANK YOU to all volunteers and to the community who join us each year to buy used books to benefit The Friends of Brown Library Programs.